Air Permeability Tester

Paper Textile 

The AirFicient Air Permeability Tester is suitable for a variety of textiles including technical fabrics, non-woven fabrics, and other breathable products such as sponges and paper, and other materials for air permeability testing.
The principle of the air permeability test is that the air passes vertically through the fabric, forming a certain pressure difference between the front and back sides of the fabric, measuring the amount of air flowing through the fabric unit area per unit of time under a certain pressure difference, thus obtaining the air permeability value.

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  • Accurate an fast testing, easy access to test reults
  • Smart instrument, can be connected to our SmarTexLab app
  • Easy, automatic operation
  • Automatic identification of test head


EN ISO 9237 • EN ISO 9073-15 • BS 3424-16 • NWSP 070.1.RO(15) • ASTM D737 (optional)